Music, Publications

The Most Important Writings

My experiences in teaching contemporary music, Parlando /1974/

Some questions of theory and practice of teaching and education of music, Parlando /1975/

Collection of exercises for the teaching of musical improvisation /1985/


Symmetries in Music Teaching

Symmetries in Music Teaching, Pergamon Press, /1989/


Lantos Ferenc-Apagyi Mária: Interconnection between and improvement of musical and visual abilities /1992/, in „The Roots of Musical Talent” edited by Czeizel Endre and Batta András


Symmetries in Music, Symmetry: Art and Science – (The Journal of the International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry (ISIS-Symmetry)) /2004/


Ornamentation (grace-notes) in music, Ornamentation and Modernism – Ernst Museum, Budapest /2006/

Book: Construction and Improvisation, Népművelési Intézet, Budapest /1984/


Apagyi Mária’s masterpiece is the three-volume ZONGORÁLOM (PIANO-DREAM), Creative Piano Learning /2004/

(Duplex-Rota Kft.,Pécs, 2008.)

This masterpiece of Apagyi provides a summary of the experiences of 40 years, projecting the potentials of interdisciplinarity in music teaching. In addition to the interest this book has excited in Hungary, Poland, the USA, Spain and in the (former) Upper Hungary, Japan also pays great attention to this special approach in the education of arts. In 2011 and 2012, conferences were organized in six large cities of Japan (Tokyo, Nara, Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, Nagasaki) to demonstrate this masterpiece as one of the options for teaching music in the 21st century. Concert pianist, artist teacher Dr. Ábrahám Mariann presented this work in England, Sweden and in Chicago in autumn 2012.

Related publication:


„WE CREATE BY FOLLOWING NATURE” (Crætive Grafikai Műhely Pécs, 2012)


Film: Construction and Improvisation / on the joint work with Lantos Ferenc /

Technical Centre of Education, Veszprém – Director: B.Révész László 1984


21 theses and dissertations were written on the joint, integrated artistic work of Apagyi Mária and Lantos Ferenc, out of which two were made abroad:

1. Warsaw Academy of Music

Bisinska, M.: Kreatywna Metoda ksztalcenia Muzyczno-Wizualnego F. L.-a i Marii Apagyi…, Akademia Muzyczna w Warszawie (thesis), 1989



J. Kyle Gregory: Improvisation and Integration of the Arts at the Pécs Free School of Arts in Hungary (Ph.D. thesis on the work conducted in the Free School of Arts headed by Apagyi Mária and Lantos Ferenc), UMI Dissertation Services A Bell and Howell Company (Ph.D. thesis), 1995



Niveau Award by Népművelési Intézet /Institute for the Cultural Education of People, 1976/

Distinguished Teacher Award /1981/

Pro Urbe Komló Award /1984/

Weiner Leó Award /1991/

Pro Civitate Pécs Award /1998/

Award of the Artisjus Music Foundation /2010/

Apáczai Csere János Award /2014/



ZETA /Association of Music Teachers/,

Hungarian Church Music Society,

International Kepes Society,

International Symmetry Society.


A few publications from the literature on the oeuvre of Apagyi Mária:


Hallama Erzsébet: The Komló experiment, Music-teaching with colour pencils

Dunántúli Napló, 14 October 1973


Pálos Miklós: Her unit of measure is joy

Ország-Világ, 10 July 1974


Tusa Erzsébet: Improvisation in drawing and in music

Muzsika, November 1974.


Pap Gábor: Play

Művészet, June 1976.


Molnár Zsolt: Glances growing rich

Magyar Ifjúság, May 1979.


Tihanyi László: Improvisations to one theme

Muzsika, May 1984.


Kerényi Mária: The place where music is spoken

Szabad Föld, 7 November 1986


Malgorzata Dechnik: Course held by Apagyi Mária and Lantos Ferenc in the Warsaw Academy of Music

Report for the periodical Polish Musical Education, 1987


Gönczi László: Just Before a Break-through? 1st National Improvisation Meeting

Muzsika, August 1988.


K. Udvari Katalin „PSALMUS HUMANUS” Tradition and Renewal in Kodály’s Music Pedagogy

PÜSKI, Budapest, 2002


B.Z. Exhibition and Master Class in Rome

Új Dunántúli Napló, 24 November 2003


Laczó Zoltán: A DREAM that came true – PIANO-DREAM (ZONGORÁLOM), Creative Piano Learning, Apagyi Mária’s instruction book for the piano, in three volumes.

Parlando, 2009, No. 1